Recently, I have been fiddling around with Flask to create some Restful API’s. I found when developing these API’s, instead of using and abusing CURL commands to test the API, it was easiest to write Unit Tests as I went along in order to test and verify the routes I had were working. The following is a commentary on how I set it all up and got it running.
First, lets create a simple postgresql database. Since I want the test database to be separate from the main database, I am going to create one called flaskexample and one called flaskexample_test. I will show you later on, how to specify the test database when running the nose tests.
$ createuser flaskexample -P -d
Enter password for new role:
Enter it again:
$ createdb flaskexample -U flaskexample -h localhost
$ createdb flaskexample_test -U flaskexample -h localhost
Now, we can create our simple flask application. For the purposes of this blog, the flask application will only have a User table that we will go against. Copy the code below into your file, then in the console start the python interpreter and run the following:
>>> from application import init_db
>>> init_db()
If this runs successfully, this should create your users table in your flaskexample database.
Now for the main Flask application. In this contrived example, we will have 2 routes to get to our user data. We will have the /users route, where we can either get a list of users or post a new user. We also have the /users/<string:id> route where we will be able to get a single user. Our tests will center around getting a list of users, adding a user, getting a specific user, trying to add a user when an email already exists and finally deleting that user.
importosfromflaskimportFlaskfromflask.extimportrestfulfromflask.ext.restfulimportResource,reqparse,Apifromsqlalchemyimportcreate_engine,Column,String,Integerfromsqlalchemy.ormimportscoped_session,sessionmaker,relationship,column_propertyfromsqlalchemy.ext.declarativeimportdeclarative_base,declared_attrfromsqlalchemy.excimportIntegrityErrorapp=Flask("flasktestexample")api=Api(app)app.debug=Trueifos.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')isNone:engine=create_engine('postgres://flaskexample:flask@localhost:5432/flaskexample',convert_unicode=True)else:engine=create_engine(os.environ['DATABASE_URL'],convert_unicode=True)db_session=scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False,autoflush=False,bind=engine))Base=declarative_base()Base.query=db_session.query_property()@app.teardown_requestdefteardown_request(exception):db_session.remove()definit_db():Base.metadata.drop_all(bind=engine)Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine)#User ModelclassUser(Base):__tablename__='users'#from{,}id=Column(Integer,primary_key=True)first_name=Column(String(200))last_name=Column(String(200))email=Column(String(200),unique=True)#Parser arguments that Flask-Restful will check forparser=reqparse.RequestParser()parser.add_argument('first_name',type=str,required=True,help="First Name Cannot Be Blank")parser.add_argument('last_name',type=str,required=True,help="Last Name Cannot Be Blank")parser.add_argument('email',type=str,required=True,help="Email Cannot Be Blank")#Flask Restful ViewsclassUserView(Resource):defget(self,id):e=User.query.filter({}classUserViewList(Resource):defget(self):e=User.query.all()results=[]forrowinUser.query.all():results.append(row.as_dict())returnresultsdefpost(self):args=parser.parse_args()o=User()o.first_name=args["first_name"]o.last_name=args["last_name"]["email"]try:db_session.add(o)db_session.commit()exceptIntegrityError,exc:return{"error":exc.message},500returno.as_dict(),201#Flask Restful Routesapi.add_resource(UserViewList,'/users')api.add_resource(UserView,'/users/<string:id>')if__name__=='__main__':port=int(os.environ.get('PORT',5000))'',port=port)
For the nose tests, I create a tests directory, under my application root. For this example, we will have two files. A file, where we will setup the flask test client and the SQLAlchemy database session. I also have a file, which is where all the tests will go. See the code blocks below.
importjsonimportnosefromnose.toolsimport*fromapplicationimportUserfromtestsimporttest_appdefcheck_content_type(headers):eq_(headers['Content-Type'],'application/json')deftest_user_routes():rv=test_app.get('/users')check_content_type(rv.headers)resp=json.loads( sure we get a responseeq_(rv.status_code,200)#make sure there are no userseq_(len(resp),0)#create a userd=dict(first_name="User1First",last_name="User1Last",email="")'/users',data=d)check_content_type(rv.headers)eq_(rv.status_code,201)#Verify we sent the right data backresp=json.loads(["email"],"")eq_(resp["first_name"],"User1First")eq_(resp["last_name"],"User1Last")#Get users again...should have onerv=test_app.get('/users')check_content_type(rv.headers)resp=json.loads( sure we get a responseeq_(rv.status_code,200)eq_(len(resp),1)#GET the user with specified IDrv=test_app.get('/users/%s'%resp[0]['id'])check_content_type(rv.headers)eq_(rv.status_code,200)resp=json.loads(["email"],"")eq_(resp["first_name"],"User1First")eq_(resp["last_name"],"User1Last")#Try and add Duplicate User'/users',data=d)check_content_type(rv.headers)eq_(rv.status_code,500)
For the tests, I create a simple shell script, which is where I specify a different database to use when running tests. It has the following line:
When running the file, you should get some output like:
$ ./
Ran 1 test in 0.277s
This means your tests have run successfully. If you go check your flaskexample_test database, you should have one user in the Users table. When you run the test again, that user will be removed via the init_db() call, and the tests will run against a blank database.
Obviously, this is a very simple example, but I think it is a good starting point for setting up Test Driven Development with Flask and SQLAlchemy.
Feel free to email me with any questions or comments. The git repo for this is located here