I was reading through Twitter’s excellent documenation on Authorizing and Signing an API request and decided I wanted to give implementing it a shot. The goal was to use as few external python libraries as possible. The only library I ended up using was the wonderful Requests: HTTP for Humans library to actually make the call to twitter to get my user timeline. The git repo for this is located here.
Below is an explanation of the code I wrote, in order to accomplish this. I am assuming one would know how to setup and get the needed keys for a twitter application.
The code is assuming you will have a ‘settings.cfg’ file that houses your twitter_consumer_secret, twitter_consumer_key, access_token, and access_token_secret.
It looks like:
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First off, lets look at the main part of the program. The first part of the program just sets up some configuration variables.
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Next, lets get a collect the 6 key/value pair parameters needed for the Authorization Header and for generating the signature. These 6 parameters will be used in generating the signature, and then that signature plus these 6 parameters will be used as the Authorization Header for the request.
- oauth_timestamp
- Indicates when the request was created
- oauth_signature_method
- Cryptographic hash function used to sign the request
- oauth_version
- Oauth version used
- oauth_token
- The Access Token generated by twitter when a user authorizes a twitter app to access their account
- oauth_nonce
- A unique token generated per request. This helps guard against replay attacks
- oauth_consumer_key
- Identifies which application is making the request
I accomplish this in the get_oauth_parameters function.
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The results of this function will look something like:
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To get the nonce, I just do this:
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After collecting the needed parameters, we can go ahead and generate the oauth_signature header value. The generate_signature method will need the following:
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- method
- This will either be a GET or a POST
- url
- The URL for which the request is directed
- url_parameters
- Any endpoint specific url_parameters a specific request might need
- oauth_paramters
- The oauth_parameters we built above
- oauth_consumer_key
- Your consumer key
- oauth_consumer_secret
- Your consumer secret
- oauth_token_secret
- Your access token secret
- status
- Optional, but if posting a tweet, this needs to be part of the signature
The method looks like:
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The first part of this method combines the oauth_parameters, status and url_parameters into a hash, sorts the paramaters alphabetically using a OrderedDict and encodes into a single string.
According to the Twitter documentation, in order to generate the proper sting you need to:
- Percent encode every key and value that will be signed
- Sort the list of parameters alphabetically by encoded key
- For each key/value pair:
- Append the encded key to the output string
- Append the ‘=’ character to the output string
- Append the encoded value to the output string
- If there are more key/value pairs remaining, append a ‘&’ character to the output string
I accomplish this in the stringify_parameters method
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After we have our stringified parameters, we can create our signature_base_string. In order to do this we need to:
- Conert the HTTP method to uppercase
- Append a ‘&’ character
- Percent Encode the URL and append it to the output string
- Append a ‘&’ character
- Percent encode the parameter string and append it to the output string
We are now able to create our signing key and then calculate the signature to put in the Authorization Header.
To create the signing key, we simply need to combine the oauth_consumer_secret and the oauth_token_secret joined by a ‘&’ character.
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Now that we have the signing_key, we can take that along with the signature_base_string and calculate our SHA1 signature.
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We have our signature, now all that is left is to create our Authorization Header for the request and make our request. In order to properly create the header, we need to combine our 6 parameters from the get_oauth_parameters with the signature we just created, order them alphabetically and append them to a string beginning with “OAuth”. The key/value parameters will need to be separated by a ‘=’, they will both need to be percent encoded and the values enclosed in ‘”’.
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We should now be able to make our request:
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Feel free to email me with any questions or comments. The git repo for this is located here